The energy and environmental transition

The evolution of food processing practices is one of the fundamental challenges of the energy transition. This is why we have acquired expertise in controlling the environmental impacts of the agri-food sector. Our role today is to support companies in this transition, not only in the field of food processing, but more globally on the entire technological route of food.


A global consideration of environmental impacts

Our product processing activity leads us to encompass directly associated environmental impacts, such as the management of water and energy resources.

From a global point of view, we understand the problems associated with upstream and related sectors: agricultural production, packaging, equipment and, downstream, the distribution and consumption stages of the product and the recovery of packaging waste.


Supporting companies in the energy transition

Within the framework of our areas of intervention, we support food industry players in their sustainable development and resource management policies: water, energy, waste, recovery of co-products, reduction of packaging at source.

In this context, we propose a range of tools:

  •  industrial performance audit
  • energy diagnostic
  • eco-design
  • carbon footprint
  • life cycle assessment.

Social responsibility

Because the energy transition also requires corporate social responsibility, we have integrated an internal CSR approach. It will be the main thread of the internal transformation of the CTCPA, meaningful for our employees, and will be materialized by an ISO certification.

In a second phase, and based on this experience, we will be able to accompany companies on defined CSR themes, as much within the framework of our private activities as in our missions of general interest.


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