Expertise driven by agri-food innovation

70 years of expertise combined with a dynamic of innovation make the CTCPA the essential partner of the actors of the food industry. Under the aegis of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, we are the reference organization of the sector. At the same time, we cultivate a pioneering side, made possible by the passion and skills of our staff and the high technology of our equipment.


The CTCPA: your reference partner

As a technical center, under the supervision of the State and daily at the side of the agri-food companies, the CTCPA is a real interface between research and industry. Our knowledge of public policy requirements and the needs of the agri-food world, the diversity and complementarity of our research and development programs allow us to position ourselves as a central coordinator for all companies and actors in the sector. We are driven by food innovation.


Trendsetter, explorer of innovations

Thanks to the passion of our employees and our openness to collective intelligence, we are constantly exploring. We are experimenting with new markets, new discoveries, new developments.
This energy is made tangible thanks to an innovative material park composed of our own equipment, shared or provided by our partners, some of which are unique in France. We make these tools, as well as the skills of our employees, available to our customers to carry out full-scale tests.


Eco-responsibility as a guiding principle for our actions

Our objective is to be a driving force in the energy and ecological transition. To this end, we support companies in preserving and limiting the consumption of natural resources. This commitment is part of our 2021-2024 objectives and performance contract.
We address environmental issues throughout the technological path of food products. In particular, we have acquired expertise in:
recyclability, reduction, reuse of packaging.


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