Training: running a cookie factory

The CTCPA, Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles, offers you the "Develop your cookie production business" cycle to train you in the biscuit-making profession. Would you like to work in a cookie factory, open your own artisanal cookie factory or simply learn how to make cookies? Find out more
Cookie making training program
Part 1: The prerequisites of cookie making
- Technical and regulatory definition of the different types of cookies (dry, soft...),
- Overview of the regulations to which the cookie production is subjected (PMS, INCO, labeling, weight control...).
Part 2: The technological role of raw materials
- Quality control of flours,
- Functionality of egg products,
- The different fats,
- The different sweeteners,
- Other raw materials and additives
Part 3: Quality principles
- The sanitary control plan,
- Hygiene and health safety procedures, HACCP, traceability,
- The guides of good hygiene practices,
- Cleaning and disinfection.
Part 4: The different stages of the transformation
- Kneading processes: mixing, hydration, aeration and stabilization,
- Cookie shaping processes,
- Stages and types of cooking
Part 5: Characteristics of finished products
The different measures to characterize the products: chemical and physical characteristics (aw, dry matter content, color, texture...)
Part 6 : Packaging of cookies
- Alteration phenomena and their control during manufacture and storage,
- Prevention of physical, chemical and microbiological phenomena (loss of crispness, rancidity, cracking, breakage),
- The different types of packaging.
REALIZATION OF 2 days of TP for the manufacture of products and their packaging.
- Work on formulations
- Work on the impact of raw materials
- Work on the process
One day is dedicated to the application of the training on your own recipes or on typical recipes provided by the trainer, as you wish
The trainee will also be able to bring his or her own products in their packaging for advice.

Educational objectives and method
- To know the main raw materials and their respective roles in the cookies,
- Identify the main sensitive manufacturing steps,
- Know the cooking steps and their role,
- Know how to prevent alteration phenomena
- Know the regulations: sanitary control, packaging.
- The fillings, toppings or other preparations that can complete the formulation of a cookie, are not part of the course
- Active and participative pedagogy.
- Lectures, slide shows, exercises and practical work in the technology hall
- Lunch meeting with the speakers
- Validation of acquired knowledge by MCQ and/or case study
- Provision of documentation and training materials
- Evaluation of the course by the trainees
- Issuance of a certificate of training