Boost your agri-food project with KissKissBankBank and the CTCPA!

In January 2024, the CTCPA becomes a KissKissBankBank mentor for agri-food projects. Whether you have a project in the participative financing phase on the KissKissBankBank platform, or are being supported by the CTCPA, this partnership offers you several advantages, detailed below, to boost your project.
Want to find out more and/or benefit from these advantages? Don't hesitate to contact Carla LUCET, our National Start-up Manager:!


KissKissBankBank, participative financing platform with a positive impact

A pioneer of participative financing in France and a subsidiary of La Banque Postale, KissKissBankBank enables everyone to finance and bring to fruition creative and innovative projects, whether associative or entrepreneurial, thanks to the strength of the general public; and thus to have a positive impact on our society.

Since its launch in 2010, over 28,000 projects have been financed, with more than 162 million euros raised via the platform, thanks to 2.9 million committed KissBankers.

Of the projects financed, around 23% are entrepreneurial projects in the agri-food sector, hence the joint desire of KissKissBankBank and the CTCPA to work in partnership to bring their respective expertise to entrepreneurs in this sector in full transition.

Visit the CTCPA mentor page to find out more about the projects we support.


Who can benefit?

  • Project leaders, start-ups and existing companies in the agri-food sector
  • Sole traders, craftsmen and very small businesses, especially canners and cookie makers
  • Innovative start-ups
  • Local authorities & territorial food projects
  • Creating or launching a new activity/product
  • In the participative financing phase with the KissKissBankBank platform and/or in the technical support phase with the CTCPA

The advantages of the KissKissBankBank x CTCPA partnership

  • For projects in the participative financing phase on the KissKissBankBank platform, our aim is to offer you technical support. For this, you will benefit from the CTCPA :
    • A 1-hour telephone or videoconference diagnostic appointment with a technical expert
    • A report with initial personalized advice and recommendations to help you structure your project
    • A 5% commercial discount on the first service of your choice that you entrust to us. This could be R&D testing, training, analysis or pre-production to meet pre-sales made as part of your crowdfunding campaign, for example...
  • For projects in the CTCPA's technical support phase, the aim is to offer you a solution that combines financing and market testing. For this, you will benefit from KissKissBankBank :
    • A 1-hour telephone or videoconference diagnostic meeting with an expert in equity financing
    • Individual, personalized strategic support before, during and after your crowdfunding campaign, to give you every chance of success, with commission fees reduced to 5% excl. tax (instead of 10% excl. tax, i.e. a 50% discount).
    • The opportunity to test your market with your target audience via online pre-sales of your products as part of a matching fundraising campaign.

All projects financed under the partnership via the platform will also benefit from the CTCPA's share:

      • Our logo on your dedicated fundraising page on the KissKissBankBank platform
      • Prominence on our mentor page, a showcase for projects supported on the KissKissBankBank platform
      • Support during the fundraising phase by relaying your crowdfunding campaign on our social networks.

On average, mentored projects raise 2 times more funds than other projects!


CTCPA, your technical partner

CTCPA is your technical partner, whether you're a project owner, a craftsman, a small business or a start-up. We support you throughout your project's life cycle: ideation, prototyping, scaling-up, industrialization and expansion.

Our national Start-Up Manager, Carla LUCET, is your key contact. With her entrepreneurial experience and in-depth knowledge of the associated ecosystem, she'll be able to help you with the specificities of launching your business. She works closely with our regional managers, as close as possible to your geographical location.

Find out more:


Each month, you'll receive our latest news in your mailbox, and 4 times a year you'll receive our technical bulletins: articles written by our experts!

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