CSR: our approach to
a sustainable food model

Implementing a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) approach consists in integrating environmental, social and societal concerns in the decisions, vision and strategy of a company. In line with the strategic axes of the contract of objectives and performance, which are notably the ecological and energy transition, the CTCPA has been conducting an internal CSR approach since 2020. 


A sustainable food model

The CTCPA, a committed actor, wishes through this approach to promote the economic, environmental and social balance in its development and thus work for a quality and sustainable food. This approach is implemented, on a daily basis, by our teams. It is articulated around 3 main axes declined in 6 ambitions which feed all the sites and services of the CTCPA.


Supporting our citizens, clients and partners in their societal transition

The CTCPA's vocation is to accompany many companies in their development process, by integrating the new environmental and societal expectations.

Develop our studies and services around sustainable production and consumption
Anticipate the needs of our citizens and clients related to societal changes
  • Participation in working groups and research programs at the national level on new environmental and consumer issues
  • Support in the implementation of new regulatory measures

Putting environmental concerns at the heart of our thinking and action

As an actor of the ecological transition, the CTCPA must reduce its environmental footprint by involving all its employees.

Helping employees to take environmental issues into account
  • Awareness-raising actions on eco-gestures
  • Strengthen the transversality of the Sustainable Development division
  • Internal communication on new societal trends
Adapting our environmental footprint to new challenges
  • Encourage soft mobility
  • Implementation of sustainable waste management at our sites

Adapting the corporate culture to the new HR challenges

The CTCPA teams are its main driving force and are placed at the heart of the company's development strategy.

Strengthen human capital
  • Career management
  • Skills management
  • Transmission of knowledge
Building a quality work environment
  • Strengthening safety in the workplace
  • Strengthen the non-discrimination policy
  • Adaptation of company rules to societal changes

Environmental issues at each stage of the product's life

If the CTCPA is recognized for its expertise on the control of impacts strictly related to the transformation of products (eco-formulation, eco-processes), it also addresses in a more integrated way the issues related to the environment at the scale of the whole technological route of food products. The CTCPA works on the development ofreusable packaging in new distribution processes and encourages recyclability and reduction.


Research programs
for the food of tomorrow

As a technical center, the CTCPA participates in research and development programs on future food models and accompanies the mastery of new technologies of soft preservation.


Ensuring equity between
men and women

In order to promote excellence and support our human values, the CTCPA implements management principles that ensure equity among its employees and in particular equal treatment between women and men.

Our M/F equality index has been updated, and we have obtained a score of 78/100.

To calculate this index, 4 indicators must be taken into account for companies with 50 to 249 employees. Here are the detailed scores for each criterion:

  • gender pay gap (from 0 to 40 points): CRITERION 1 = 33/40 ;
  • the difference in the distribution of individual increases between women and men (from 0 to 35 points for companies with 50 to 249 employees): CRITERION 2 = 25/35 ;
  • the rate of employees receiving a pay rise in the year following their return from maternity leave (from 0 to 15 points): CRITERION 3 = 15/15 ;
  • the number of employees of the under-represented sex among the company's 10 highest earners (from 0 to 10 points): CRITERION 4 = 5/10 ;

The index is calculated by adding up the number of points obtained for each indicator. The maximum total score is 100 points.


Maintain business skills

The CTCPA offers training courses adapted to the needs of companies in order to participate in maintaining employment in the territories.


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