Bibliographic and experimental studies
We carry out various types of studies for you, from the most upstream of your project (bibliographic studies) to the most applied such as process impact studies, packaging studies... Always close to your problems, our project managers are careful to answer your questions and to find concrete and practical solutions to your needs.
Bibliographic studies
These studies can, depending on the needs of your project, be simple or in-depth.
Our method :
- Search for articles in the international bibliography
- Bibliographic reports based on abstracts and structured presentation of the identified axes
- Study and bibliographic synthesis written in the form of a sheet
These studies cover the fields of technical, scientific or regulatory state of the art. They are ideal for gathering information before launching a project, defining angles of attack, and improving the efficiency of your studies and tests.
Packaging studies
Our packaging studies are carried out in our laboratories for the characterization of the functional properties of the packaging and the interactions between the container and the contents.
Novel Food and processing aids
For more than 20 years, we have had expert knowledge of the regulatory and technical aspects of Novel Food (foodstuffs that were not on the market before May 1997) and processing aids (substances that are not foodstuffs but are used during the processing of foodstuffs).
These skills allow us to assist you in the preparation of your technical and regulatory files to maximize the chances of success:
- Examination of the regulatory status of the application, if necessary, by direct communication with the competent authorities;
- Scientific and technical state of the art ;
- Expertise of the data in possession of the applicant, advice on the strategy for filing applications and collection of additional data (bibliographic study, analyses, pilot tests, technical study, etc.);
- Establishment of the study protocol, realization of technical works (tests in pilot plant, tests in industrial conditions, collection of samples, microbiological and/or biochemical analyses...) or coordination of works with partner organizations;
- Drafting of the technical-regulatory file, according to the guidelines in force;
- Submission of the file and administrative follow-up with the competent authorities.
All our studies and accompaniments take place in the respect of a strict protocol of reserve and confidentiality (insert link page), which can be formalized by a contract of confidentiality according to your wishes.
Micronutrient conservation and preservation studies
Processes have an impact on the preservation of product and nutrient quality. Our laboratories work daily on this subject and are able to carry out specific studies in this field for you.
Microbiological studies
We carry out all types of microbiological studies, from the simplest to the most complex, whether or not they are related to processes and pilot equipment. They are carried out in our microbiology laboratory.
The expertise cell
The expertise cell is a way to study a complex problem / project by calling on the collective intelligence of several associated experts, following a proven methodology. It allows us to study a problem from all relevant angles depending on the need (e.g. microbiological, process, product, regulatory, packaging, environment...) and to identify :
- the LARGE TECHNICAL LOCK to be lifted
- possible solutions to remove these obstacles (studies, tests, ...) / solve the complex problem
- get an idea of the complexity and costs per track
then assess and prioritize the key issues to decide how to address the problem.