Stronger together:
collaborative work for your projects

We believe that collective intelligence is one of the keys to innovation and cutting-edge service. Therefore, the CTCPA technical center is involved in many technical and institutional networks, at regional, national and international levels: research organizations, higher education and research institutions, technical centers, professional organizations.
The public / private partnership
for the general interest
Through the participation of its collaborators in various technical commissions, the CTCPA is in close and permanent coordination with the decision-making and advisory bodies. This status gives it a high level of expertise, beneficial to its members and clients.
The CTCPA is a member of the CTI network which gathers all the Industrial Technical Centers. The CTCPA is also a member ofActia and qualified as an Agro-Industrial Technical Institute (ITAI) by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food. These CTI are governed by the Code of Research (articles L.342-1 to L.342-13), and are recognized as public utility in charge of missions of general interest for the benefit of industrial sectors.

The networks and
mixed technological units
The mixed technology networks (RM T) are groups of experts in research, development and training on targeted themes with high environmental and socio-economic stakes, created and supported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food under the coordination of Actia for the agri-food sector. They are real tools of scientific and technical partnership, and promote synergy between different organizations by networking human and material resources.
The CTCPA is a member of 5 joint technology networks:
- RMT Actia Chlean (Hygienic design of lines and improvement of cleanability) as coordinator
- RMT Actia Al-chimie (Chemical contaminations of the food chain)
- RMT Actia Nutriprevius (Nutritional quality of food)
- RMT Actia Ecoval (Eco-design and valorisation)
- RMT Actia Ecofluides
- RMT Actia Qualima (Microbiological quality of food)
- RMT Actia Propack food (Sustainable packaging and food) as co-coordinator
- RMT Actia Prot&in (Vegetable proteins)
The CTCPA also leads the UMT (Unité Mixte Technologique) Qualiveg (Nutritional and microbiological quality of processed plant products).

Competitiveness clusters
The CTCPA is a member :
- of the Innov'Alliance cluster 's Board of Directors and participates in thematic working groups and commissions. It contributes to project assessment through its participation in the labeling committees:
- of the Bioeconomy for Change cluster;
- of the Nutrition Santé Longévité (NSL) cluster;
- of the Agri Sud-Ouest-Innovation cluster;
- of the Valorial cluster; the Center is a Process thematic expert on the labeling committee;
- of the Polymeris plastics processing cluster (member of the board and scientific council).
- of the Vegepolys valley cluster.
Other networks
The CTCPA is also involved in other networks such as
- The GIS Fruits (Strategic Committee and Operational Committee)
- The Regional Innovation Platform (PRI) Cap Aliment (member of the board)
- EHEDG France (administrator)
- The " PTI Alimentec " Platform and the DIS30 Platform (R&D and packaging analysis)
- The Tersys Research Federating Structure (University of Avignon Pays de Vaucluse)
- CASH Commission Acta-Actia
- The GIS Symprevius
- The Carnot institute Qualiment
- TheInternational Fruit Juice (IFU)
- Regional federations of food industries
- FRIAA PACA, AREA Centre Val-de-Loire, AREA Occitanie
- Agrosphères (administrator)
- Le Technopôle Agrolandes
- The Network of Laboratories recognized by the DGAL (Ministry of Agriculture) for the realization of Listeria monocytogenes growth tests

A directory of rigorously selected equipment manufacturers
We put at the disposal of our nationals and customers a list of suppliers of materials and equipment for the processing, packaging and preservation of food.
Because we want to offer you the best service, this directory is deliberately selective, according to a list of predefined criteria.
>Consultthe directory