Financing and tax credit (CIR)

By choosing the CTCPA as a partner, you can benefit, under certain conditions, from the CIR (Research Tax Credit), a device of the Ministry of Higher Education and Research, designed to promote Research and Development activities.

Who can benefit from the CIR and how much is it?

Toutes les entreprises industrielles, commerciales ou agricoles, ainsi que les associations régies par la loi 1901 (sous certaines conditions), peuvent bénéficier du Crédit Impôt Recherche. Les conditions d’obtention et les montants sont détaillés sur le site du Ministère de l’Économie, des Finances et de la Relance.


Existing regional funding

Some regions offer funding for your projects. Some examples:
- PTR (Pôle Territorial de Référence)
- Oséo
- Bpifrance
- French Tech
- and other consulting funds.

Consult your Regional Director for more information.


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