Create and develop good, healthy and safe food products

We help you to create the products of your dreams, taking into account all the important dimensions to manufacture and develop healthy food products: naturalness, formulation under constraint, vegetable proteins...products that taste good: preservation of the native qualities of the ingredients, formulation of the taste and colors you want to offer consumers, obtaining ideal textures...products in line with environmental values: reduction of packaging impact, carbon footprint, characterization by LCA...finally benefit from an improvement in the classification of your product by reworking them with our teams: NUTRI-SCORE®, SIGA®, and other scales... !
From the recipe to the formulation (Innovation - Taste - Nutrition - Claims - Vegetable proteins...)
How to combine PLEASURE, HEALTH, NUTRITION and ENVIRONMENT? Combining taste and food balance is a know-how! The CTCPA accompanies you in the formulation of your food products:
- Market watch and competitive benchmarking / Scientific and technical bibliographic watch / Study of regulatory requirements
- Definition of product specifications
- Research and proposal of classic or innovative ingredients, alternative plants and plant raw materials
- Formulation of models with a chef
- Optimization of your recipes (salt/sugar reduction, gluten free, clean label, Yuka, ecoscore...)
- Improved scoring: Nutriscore®, Siga®.
- Co-design
- Determination and optimization of shelf life (SLED / MDD)
- Analyses (microbiological, organoleptic, nutritional) in our laboratories
FOCUS ON PLANT PROTEINS - To meet the growing consumer demand for foods that limit the use of animal products, we can help you formulate products based on plant proteins.
Did you know that? We also evaluate the quality of wheat as an ingredient through cookie tests on our dedicated machine.

Development of the manufacturing process and the product packaging
Food product design is not just about ingredients. It is a global approach that requires to work also on the process and the packaging. The CTCPA develops and optimizes the manufacturing and preservation process as well as the packaging of your product:
- Identification and definition of the optimal process
- Testing of pre-industrial pilot equipment, tests in our technical halls or on your lines)
- Pre-series production in our halls
- Organization of tastings on our sites or at your place
- Advice on the choice of packaging and analysis
- Validation of the regulatory labeling: determination of the nutritional composition, scoring, claims
- Ecodesign, LCA, environmental scoring...
Industrial start-up diagnosis (BPI France) / Preliminary technical and economic feasibility study
Ensure the industrialization of your innovations thanks to BPI France!
The CTCPA is referenced as an expert, under the coordination of Actia, for this diagnosis. Its aim is to support industrial start-ups in their industrialization projects, giving priority to French industrial options. It enables you to :
- Evaluate the expected gains from localization and sourcing in France and abroad
- Dimension the industrial project in line with the company's development strategy
- Value chain analysis and evaluation of industrial scenarios (level of integration, make or buy, needs, constraints, etc.).
- Improving the industrial project in line with the business plan
More info: Diagnostic Amorçage Industriel - Diagnostics Accompagnement Innovation Bpifrance
Ensure the successful manufacture of your product with a technical and economic study!
This solution is suitable for small companies or creators, for projects concerning a small workshop, for projects that are already advanced, requiring support on a technical point, arbitration between several solutions or securing your choice. The study takes place over 4 days. We help you to consolidate your business plan on the financial and technical aspects:
- Definition of equipment requirements and approach to investment costs
- Definition of building space requirements through an industrial master plan
- Budgetary outline of the construction or restructuring of a building with the help of a specialized engineering firm
- Approach to production personnel costs.

The pre-series
Thanks to our equipment, we can set up a small production line to manufacture your products in pre-series, from a few dozen to a few thousand units in our technological halls, from the implementation of raw materials to the packaging of your finished products.
A double advantage:
- Test equipment in real conditions, without investing! This will allow you to mature your thoughts about the investments to be made in the case of a production workshop creation or to define more precisely the specifications in the case of a production subcontracting.
- Test your market quickly, without investing! Indeed, the products from these pre-series batches can be marketed (implementation of a specific PMS).
A sanitary control plan as well as the steps related to sanitary approval are carried out by our dedicated experts, prior to the start of the pre-series, then microbiological analyses are carried out at the end of the production so that you can market your products in all serenity and guarantee the sanitary safety of your products to your customers.
The search for subcontractors
Creating and developing safe and tasty food products requires the right people. We help you find the best subcontractors for your project:
- drafting of specifications for subcontractor consultation
- research of potential subcontractors and networking
- support for technology transfer to the subcontractor

Regulatory advice
The regulatory advice is carried out for the compliance with the regulation in force(Regulation (EC) No. 1169/2011, better known as the INCO Regulation). Our experts accompany you in all the regulatory aspects of your project:
- classification of your product
- labeling
- export conditions
- etc.
Assistance to industrialization
Do you have a large-scale project that requires progress in stages?
We study with you the definition of the industrial master plan, the processes, the technologies (with or without testing), the consultation of suppliers and the costing, until the start-up of your line.
You will benefit from a complete support on :
- investment decision support
- the definition of the scheme and the process parameters
- research of solutions and realization of technical specifications
- the technical-economic study
- advice on line engineering from your engineering firm or new works department
- definition and optimization of the equipment layout
- flow management (fluids, materials, people, etc.)
- support during the reception and installation of the equipment
- support for the implementation and start-up of the line
- the opinion of a process expert on the capabilities and suitability of the delivered material
- the organization of industrial tests on line
- staff training in new technologies
- the follow-up of the first productions
- post start-up advice
- performance validation
- the measurement campaign of the process parameters allowing the evaluation of the performance of the industrial tools

The "Novel Food" and technological aids accompaniment
The regulation "Novel FoodThe "Novel Food" regulation concerns non-traditional foods and processes, newly arrived on the market. In Europe, any food or process that was not in use before May 1997 is considered to be a Novel Food. Processing aids are chemical substances not consumed as food ingredients, voluntarily used in the processing of foodstuffs to meet a given technological objective.
Novel foods and food auxiliaries are subject to specific regulations for their use. Thanks to our experts present in the governmental agencies in charge of this type of file, we can help you in the preparation of your technical and regulatory file in order to maximize the chances of success:
- Review of the regulatory status of the application, if necessary, by direct communication with the relevant authorities;
- State of the art in science and technology;
- Expertise of the data in possession of the applicant, advice on the strategy of filing and collection of additional data (bibliographic study, analysis, pilot tests, technical study ...);
- Establishment of the study protocol, realization of the technical work (tests in pilot plant, tests under industrial conditions, collection of samples, microbiological and/or biochemical analyses...) or coordination of the work with partner organizations;
- Drafting of the technical-regulatory file, according to the guidelines in force;
- Submission of the file and administrative follow-up with the competent authorities.