New packaging strategies: support for the objectives of the 3R decree

The 3Rs decree sets targets for the reduction, reuse and recycling of packaging. Faced with the multiple choices you have to make, we can help you assess the solutions, their advantages, risks and constraints, and the development avenues to remove technical barriers.


Diagnosis and a personalized action plan

The experts of our laboratory in Bourg-en-Bresse carry out an initial inventory and propose a mapping of the existing solutions on the market and adapted to the technical criteria of your product.

Based on the selected solutions, our Environment Department develops a 3R action plan for each product/packaging pair.

This action plan consists in identifying eco-design tracks around 3 objectives:

  • Reduce: reduce weight, thickness, volume or optimize logistics to reduce secondary packaging;
  • Reuse: implementation of a reuse solution
  • Recycle: select or develop packaging technologies that meet the specifications of recyclability and promote technical solutions that allow the incorporation of recycled material into the packaging.

The CTCPA is one of the experts identified by theADEME to carry out this diagnosis. You can benefit from a financial aid delivered by the ADEME for its realization.


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