Online training - The method for validating control measures

This training course provides you with the knowledge you need to understand and effectively apply the control measures validation method.



  • Identify the criteria for selecting the control measures to be validated
  • Identify the methodology to be followed to perform a validation
  • Describe the validation method for a chosen control measure


  • Active and participative pedagogy.
  • Exchange of experiences and discussions
  • Presentations, slide shows
  • Evaluation of the course by the trainees
  • Assessment of trainee learning by questionnaire or case study
  • Provision of documentation and training materials
  • Issuance of a training certificate

    Content of the training

  • 1. Definition and context of validation
  • The difference with verification
  • When validation is required
  • 2. Validation process
  • Theory (based on the 2008 directive): different methods/approaches, the validation file
  • Validation examples
  • 3. Case studies
  • Choose a control measure to be validated, which may or may not be based on equipment operation
  • Describe the approach to be applied and indicate how the results will be used

This training course provides you with the knowledge you need to understand and effectively apply the method for validating control measures. You will learn to distinguish between validation and verification, to determine when validation is essential, and to implement a structured approach through concrete examples and practical case studies.

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