Customer testimonials

Creating a local and sustainable cannery with the CTCPA: Terre et Fourchette testifies



Creating a local and sustainable cannery with the CTCPA: Terre et Fourchette testifies

Published on : 22/02/2022

Created by Nadia FAHAM and Léa DAVID, the company Terre et Fourchette offers local, organic and vegetarian preserves and semi-preserves in Ile-de-France. The CTCPA has supported the launch of the canning factory through the validation of heat treatment scales, the realization of tests in a technological hall and the validation of the process through microbiological tests. Nadia FAHAM, co-founder, comes back with us on this support.

Why did you decide to create the local cannery TERRE ET FOURCHETTE?

The two of us, Nadia and Léa, embarked on an adventure to eat better in the city (Île-de-France). In our adventures, we found answers from our grandparents who taught us how to keep things simple and we carefully noted their recipes in our notebooks. But this art of eating better requires time and where to find it when you have a busy schedule? This is why we decided to create the local and organic cannery Terre et Fourchette, a social and solidarity economy company, on a local scale, which brings together all our values for responsible and committed consumption.

Why did you choose to switch to canned food production?

At the beginning we wanted to offer ready-made meals with a use-by date (DLC) but we quickly realized that sterilization of our products would be beneficial! That's why we decided to switch to the production of canned and semi-canned food.

How did you hear about the CTCPA - Centre Technique de la Conservation des Produits Agricoles?
I contacted the Direction départementale de la protection des populations (DDPP) to find out about the regulations in force for the production of canned goods. I was told that I had to validate my scales and determine the minimum durability date (DDM) of my products. The Kyregal House who has already worked with the CTCPA recommended your technical center to me as the reference for canning.

The CTCPA is the Technical Center for the Conservation of Agricultural Products. We have a mission of general interest towards the companies which manufacture preserves and dehydrated products. We are your interlocutor for the production of canned food. Contact us for more information!

What was the support of the CTCPA? What did you think of it? 

I followed, at the beginning of 2021, the training " To lead a canning activity " at the CTCPA of Amiens. From June, Nicolas MARISSAL (assistant project manager technology) accompanied us on the implementation of scales and the validation of our heat treatment on a range of 10 products. Tests were carried out in the Amiens technology hall. We then moved on to production and the CTCPA validated our processes through microbiological tests.

We are delighted with this support because we have received all the answers to our technical questions, we are reassured and able to ensure the safety of our products. Today we know the regulations around the production of canned food. The accompaniment of the CTCPA has clearly allowed us to start the production!

Tell us more about TERRE ET FOURCHETTE...

Terre et Fourchette is our adventure to eat better in Paris and stop polluting our land. We have a great admiration for our grandparents from whom we are relearning to keep things simple. We take back the classics from the pantry, grandma's recipes and traditional preservation because it is ecological, follows the seasons and consumes little energy. Our fruits and vegetables are in season, organic and from the Ile-de-France. We cook them with passion in our workshop in Nanterre in order to offer you our canned vegetables and our delicious dishes prepared in returnable jars.

We also offer introductory workshops on zero waste in order to share with you all our tips to limit our negative impact on the planet.

Our team is composed of five people: a chef, a kitchen assistant, a student in communication and us two: the co-founders.

Visit our website to learn more: Consommer local à Paris | Terre et Fourchette | Paris !

What about revenue?

Vegetarian Cassoulet Chicory and caramel panacotta Risotto

We elaborate our recipes with a chef and a kitchen assistant. All our recipes are vegetarian! We propose among others: vegetarian lentil dahl, bourguignon vegetables, chili sin carne, pestos, tomato sauces, spreads....

Our jars are sold in organic stores, delicatessens and on our website.

For the moment, we use a shared kitchen to prepare our recipes. For the sterilization of our jars, we use the autoclave of La Maison Kyregal. We are able to produce 250 jars per day. We are looking for our new laboratory in Ile-de-France!

Where can we find you soon? 

Meet us at the next agriculture show from February 26 to March 6, 2022!


Train as a canner with the CTCPA: Cannery training: learn to make cans (CPF) ( This training is 100% financeable via your personal training account.

The CTCPA accompanies you on the development and validation of heat treatment schedules Mapping of enclosures, validation of scales, development and optimization of scales, microbiology stability controls...

Website :
Facebook: Land and Fork
Instagram:  Land and Fork
Linkedin: Land and Fork
Contact : Nadia FAHAM - -

Contact CTCPA
Nicolas MARISSAL -
CTCPA Amiens -
Training -

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