Industrial and environmental transition

The CTCPA, BPI France's "Diag Amorçage Industriel" expert, under the coordination of Actia



The CTCPA, BPI France's "Diag Amorçage Industriel" expert, under the coordination of Actia

Published on: 06/13/2023

Help finance the industrialization of your innovations with BPI FRANCE's Diag amorçage industriel! 

The Diag Amorçage Industriel innovation support program offers personalized assistance in defining your industrialization strategy. when setting up a pilot line or your first plant. The aim of this support is tohelp the company define an industrialization strategy, and evaluate localization, purchasing and sourcing possibilitiesand roll out the pre-launch stages. Support is provided by a specialist expert (of which CTCPA is a member)under the coordination of ACTIA, the French network of technical institutes for the agri-food industry, in the industrial field and covers :

  • assessment of the challenges of industrialization in France and analysis of your industrial strategy;

  • definition of the industrial organization: concrete recommendations for launching the project.

For whom?

  • Startups et PME industrielles immatriculées en France (<250 salariés).

  • In France and/or the French overseas departments and territories (DROM-COM)

  • Exclusion: companies "in difficulty" according to the European definition


  • Up to €10,000 excluding VAT over 10 days for a maximum of 6 months' service

  • 80% subsidized by Bpifrance

Get more information on the official page

Interested in this Diag? Don't hesitate to contact Carla LUCET, national startup manager ( and François-Xavier CHABANEL, Industrialization Project Manager (

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Industrial and environmental transition



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