
Our QUALIOPI certification for our training activities renewed!



Our QUALIOPI certification for our training activities renewed!

Published on : 30/01/2023

We are delighted to announce that our QUALIOPI certification for our training activities has been renewed!

This QUALIOPI certification meets the requirements of the National Quality Standards. It is proof of our teams' continuous efforts to improve our training offer.
We provide testimonials and feedback from quality speakers. And we are constantly improving our educational tools, in addition to practical demonstrations in our technology halls.

It is for you a new guarantee to make the choice of quality, by relying on the CTCPA to accompany you in the development of your skills in production, quality and food safety, regulation, sustainable development, packaging and management and skills management.

Why choose the CTCPA for your trainings ?

  • Regional training coordinators, specialists in training engineering: to facilitate the CQP or your other educational projects.

  • Our trainers are professionals in your field, employees of the center, they intervene in the field in consulting.

  • We only provide CQP training in food companies, with training designed/adapted to be technically relevant to each trade.

  • Our quality system is the guarantee of these commitments.

In 2022, the CTCPA training is :

  • 99.75% of trainees satisfied with our training courses (overall satisfaction index 2021)

  • 97.62% of the trainees presented to the CQP evaluations (including blocks) obtained the certification

  • 96.16% of the trainees who took part in the evaluation of the certification courses obtained the certification

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