Customer testimonials

Training before passing the BRCGS Packaging materials certification audit: the CTCPA supports MARKEM IMAJE Industries



Training before passing the BRCGS Packaging materials certification audit: the CTCPA supports MARKEM IMAJE Industries

Published on : 28/09/2022

Prior to its BRCGS Packaging materials v6 certification audit, MARKEM IMAJE Industries called upon the CTCPA to train its employees. The CTCPA intervened in the company to train the staff to the BRCGS Packaging materials v6 standard and to its good application in-house. The CTCPA also trained the teams to the HACCP method.

MARKEM IMAJE Industries has passed its BRCGS Packaging materials v6 certification audit and obtained good results. Claire Bardeau, Site Manufacturing Engineering Manager testifies for the CTCPA:

The result of the BRCGS Packaging materials v6 audit of the Bourg les Valence site is very satisfactory: 6 minor non conformities. We still have work to do but this first step went well. Thank you again for the CTCPA training courses which prepared us well " Claire Bardeau - Site Manufacturing Engineering Manager - MARKEM IMAJE Industries 

Christine DECANIS, project manager in food safety management, accompanied the company in its preparation for the certification audit.

For more information:


Do you also want to prepare for quality audits? We offer training on several quality standards such as : BRCGS food v9, BRC Packaging materials v6, ISO 22000…
Discover also all our trainings related to food safety: Agri-food training, a complete catalog to train, CTCPA
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