Online training - Optimizing water consumption in dairy processing

Optimizing water consumption in dairy processing: the stakes and regulations for your company? How to optimize water use and reuse, a complete training program to improve water management in your company.



  • Identify the regulatory context for water use and reuse in agri-food businesses
  • Identify the challenges of water reuse
  • Be able to carry out a water diagnosis in your company
  • Explain the principles of the Pinch Eau method and know how to use the tools to optimize water use and reuse in the food industry.


  • Active and participative pedagogy.
  • Exchange of experiences and discussions
  • Presentations, slide shows, practical exercises
  • Evaluation of the course by the trainees
  • Assessment of trainee learning by questionnaire or case study
  • Provision of documentation and training materials
  • Issuance of a training certificate

    Content of the training

  • Water resource issues and regulations in agri-food companies
  • Water consumption and quality in the food industry
  • Carrying out a water diagnosis in your company: the different steps
  • The action plan

CTCPA's training course on water management in dairy processing aims to provide an understanding of the context and the issues involved in using and reusing water, and controlling the various parameters involved.

Formation 100% financée pour les TPE/PME < à 50 personnes, éligibles OCAPIAT.Discover our other trainings : Agri-food training, a complete catalog to train, CTCPA
Our TPE PME Ocapiat training courses at the CTCPA



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