GBPH - Transformation of foie gras palmipeds in artisanal and on-farm workshops - 2010

The guides of Good Hygiene Practices (G.B.H.P.) are voluntary documents designed for and by professionals to help them implement the necessary measures to ensure the safety and healthiness of products through the application of HACCP. This guide applies to small-scale establishments for cutting up foie gras palmipeds and packaging meat parts, raw offal, meat preparations and raw meat preparations; the processing of all the products resulting from the cutting with the aim of obtaining a preservation of the product by pasteurization, salting (salting/drying), smoking and appertization techniques; within the framework of on-farm processing of fatty palmipeds force-fed on the farm or of artisanal processing in a workshop.

ASK GBPH Trans. Farm - 2010 50€ttc


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